What is Maker Education?

Maker education

At its simplest, making is the act of creating. Maker Education is a combination of hands-on learning and project based learning. Students learn by doing or making something. Similar to inquiry based learning, play based learning, problem based learning, etc. Making can spur creativity, curiosity, collaboration, and confidence. Often making requires students to go back and trouble shoot and/or redesign. This would help with instilling resilency and perseverance in our students. Consider what can happen when making becomes an integral part of learning.

So ultimatley, makers create, tinker with technology, and invent new things.

Maker teachers inspire their students to dream up their own inventions, experiment, fail and experiment again until they've made something personally meaningful.

A Maker Space presents readily-available materials that can act as a provocation for inquiry, as well as providing modern technology and items to help makers invent.

Finally, coding is one aspect of Maker Spaces and Maker Education.

Resource: Makerspace for Education

Resource: The Guide to Maker Education - offers some valuable tips and ideas. Things to consider for curriculum integration.

Video: Maker Education as a Learning Approach