Scratch Jr. and Scratch

Introduction to Scratch Jr. - A FREE tablet App for pre-readers (but there is also a desktop version)

Guides for Scratch Jr.


Scratch - Free web based resource for students of all ages

Scratch is a graphical programming language, developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Children can drag and combine code blocks to make a range of programs, including animations, stories, musical instruments and games. It’s a bit like the programming equivalent of LEGO!

Scratch Cards - A Very Good Place to Begin With Your Students

These cards are easy to follow, simple to use.


Getting Started Guide

Scratch - Introductory Tutorials

Want to make your own Teacher Account? Check it out HERE

Try This:

Watch the video below, getting started with Scratch to get a FREE Scratch account (if you do not have an account already).

When you have your account, click on Create (along the top of screen) and then click on Tutorials (along the top of the screen) and start the beginners tutorial.


You can use the Scratch Card pack, (shown below) located at your center. Sign up and log into Scratch and then work through the cards. One color set of cards at a time. Printable Scratch Activity cards can be found HERE (PDF)